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DOF Actively Investigates Illegal and Inferior Tobacco and Alcohol to Protect the Health of the Public.

In order to maintain public health and the order of the tobacco and alcohol market, the Department of Finance (DOF), Taipei City Government (TCG) has actively conducted tobacco and alcohol inspections in 2023. As of December 15, a total of 225 cases of violations of the Tobacco and Alcohol Management Act had been seized and fined, with a fine of 5.71 million; 9,390 packages of cigarettes and 1,319.5 liters of alcohol were seized. In addition, 1,075 tobacco and alcohol manufacturing, import, wholesale, and retail businesses were randomly inspected to effectively curb and prevent illegal activities.


Commissioner Hu Hsiao-lan of DOF said that the department is responsible for tobacco and alcohol management and the inspection of illegal tobacco and alcohol in Taipei City. In addition to conducting inspections of various sales venues before folk festivals such as the Chinese New Year, Dragon Boat Festival, and Mid-Autumn Festival, DOF also conducts inspections from time to time on weekdays. On the other hand, DOF proactively cooperates with the joint inspection project of business premises of eight special businesses registered in Taipei City to handle tobacco and alcohol inspections. Especially as the Chinese New Year is approaching, the year-end banquet and spring feast are being held one after another. DOF will strengthen random inspection for tobacco and alcohol businesses in Taipei City, actively investigate illegal and substandard tobacco and alcohol, and protect the health of the public and the rights of legal tobacco and alcohol businesses.


DOF further explained that many counties and cities have uncovered many cases of illicit tobacco and alcohol with unknown ingredients produced in underground factories in recent years. It is believed that such illegal tobacco and alcohol are often sold at low prices through vendors, so the public should not buy low-priced or unknown tobacco and alcohol to avoid harming health. If someone finds illegal tobacco and alcohol, she or he can call the Citizens Service Hotline 1999 to extension 6294 or through report mailbox prosecute01@gov.taipei to report fraud. If it is verified that it is illegal tobacco or illegal alcohol, a reporting reward is calculated as 20% amount of fines and value of confiscated items. The maximum amount for each case is NT$6 million. The public is welcome to fight against the illegality. DOF will also continue its investigation to safeguard the tobacco and alcohol market order and citizens’ health.