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Ministry of Finance officials visit Taipei City Revenue Service conducting tax collection performance annual evaluation, process completed successfully

In order to enhance the tax collection, tax service quality and gain an overall understanding of tax collection efficiency, the Deputy Director General of the Taxation Administration of MOF, Ms. Chen, Hui-Qi, led a team to conduct an on-site performance evaluation of the tax collection operations for the fiscal year 2023 at Taipei City Revenue Service (TRS) on March 1, 2024. She expressed gratitude and appreciation to all the staff for the efforts on behalf of Director-General Ms. Sung, Hsiu-Ling. The meeting was co-chaired by Deputy Director General Chen and Commissioner of Department of Finance (DOF), Taipei City Government, Ms. Hu, Hsiao-Lan. Deputy Director General Chen affirmed the various innovations of electronic services, streamlined administration and convenient services proposed by Director of the TRS Mr. Ni, Yung-Tsu and his crew. She also highlighted the excellent achievements on annual performance evaluations in recent years. In addition, she appreciated for TRS’s assistance in implementing the differential tax rate experience to promote the House Tax 2.0 policy. The on-site evaluation process was successfully completed in a common efforts.

MOF evaluates the performances of tax collection of tax agencies every year, and Commissioner Hu attaches great importance to this. She hopes the MOF can understand the tax collection performance and innovative measures of TRS colleagues in the past year through this annual communication opportunity. TRS can not only learn from other tax collection authorities, but analyze how to provide more completed services for Taipei City citizens as well via exchanging opinions.

Under the leadership of Director Ni, TRS has established a convenient Visual Location Rate Inquiry System for public to quickly understand the location rate of buildings in Taipei City. Furthermore, to advance the Online Tax Service system, TRS is the first agency in Taiwan to build up functions of all services of General Services Counter to the cloud internet. People can apply for local tax services through video call via computers or mobile phones at home, instead of going to the tax agencies. Ignoring the distances and borders, get tax services online, as the saying goes, “the service has no borders”. In addition, TRS has promoted cross-regional cooperation with city/county in the northern Taiwan, made Taipei-New Taipei- Keelung-Taoyuan Community Living Area been expanded. Through the automatic general revenue service machine (KIOSK) settled in each administrative region in Taipei, people can apply for their own tax documents of the 4 cities. Taxpayers in New Taipei City, Taoyuan and Keelung, whether they are studying or working in Taipei City, can apply by themselves during non-working hours, so that people do not have to run around and enjoy more convenient services.

After a whole day of on-site evaluation process, the Evaluation Committee members recognized the performance of the TRS. Through this inspection of the tax collection administration, in addition to exchanging the innovative experiences of other local tax collection agencies, the Evaluation Committee members’ suggestions will also serve as a reference for future improvements, taking the tax collection performances of TRS to a higher level.